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School Entrance Examinatons

School entrance examinations are taken by some children in the UK as part of the admissions process for academically selective secondary schools.
Each school may have a different selection process to another as there is no real national standard exam. However school entrance exams typically cover up to 4 areas: 

  • English.
  • Mathematics.
  • Verbal Reasoning, (problem-solving questions with words and numbers).
  • Non verbal reasoning, (reasoning with shapes and patterns).


The most important thing to understand about these entrance exams is that they are very difficult to revise for in the space of a few weeks or even a few months. On the whole the exams are ways in which schools test skills which a child has developed over a period of years rather than weeks. In addition to preparing for these exams, it is very important to be skilled in exam technique. Often good candidates come unstuck simply because they get lost in all the instructions or panic at the sheer unfamiliarity of the tasks.
We have lots of sample papers which allow students to become accustomed to the format and style of school entrance examinations. We will help students to become familiar with the procedures and skills required, thereby making it easier for them to do themselves justice on the day.


Most English examinations consist of two parts; a comprehension paper and a writing task. The comprehension part of the entrance examination tests skills in reading, grammar, vocabulary, punctuation, word formation and an understanding of excerpts from specific texts. Performing well in written English exams is often based on the ability to choose a form and content appropriate to the task; using syntax and paragraphing to shape meaning; using punctuation correctly and expressively; using vocabulary creatively; spelling accurately and using handwriting and presentation effectively.


In Mathematics, most of the entrance examinations cover the concepts within the National Curriculum but often are based on the assumption that candidates are working towards Level 5 of Key Stage 2. There is normally a variety of questions testing basic numerical skills, problem-solving and logical thinking. Candidates may also be required to demonstrate more developed powers of reasoning. Questions in entrance examinations often involve manipulation and application of these concepts in what may be unfamiliar situations.
A comprehensive understanding of the following topics is essential:

  • Multiplication tables.
  • Simple fractions, decimals, ratio and percentage.
  • Money, length, distance and weight in metric units.
  • Time, including the 24-hour clock.
  • Concepts of size, shape and symmetry: simple perimeter, area and volume.
  • Reading of information from charts and diagrams

Verbal and Non Verbal Reasoning

Standard Verbal and Non Verbal Reasoning tests yield very useful information about pupils’ abilities that may not be evident from their usual classroom work. They can indicate the likely ease with which a pupil will be able to acquire new concepts and understand new ideas across a range of school subjects. We have a wide range of practice papers available to understand the concepts involved. 
If you would like to arrange for an initial assessment for your child then please click on the link below to book a tutor and Elite Home Tutors will contact you to arrange an appointment. Contact

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